Dean Computer Corp


Dean Computer Corp originally began as a sole proprietor consulting company, setting up computer hardware, software, and networks for small businesses.  Over the years, Dean has offered a wide variety of computer technology services. Incorporated in 2004, we currently specialize in locating and employing qualified and talented individuals who can provide their skills in support of U.S. government contract projects developed to improve our national infrastructure as well as strengthen and maintain our homeland security. While Dean has the ability to service government contracts of any size and duration, our current focus is for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), is a large-scale, long-term effort to modernize the Information Technology infrastructure for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a division of the Department of Homeland Security. ACE will ultimately establish a web-based data system linking all U.S. Customs ports, all Customs brokers, and all related federal agencies. Via this system, important duty and tariff information can be quickly entered and immediately available for any U.S. import transaction. Vital security data regarding restricted items or suspicious cargo can also be compiled and tracked in the ACE environment. The project incorporates a host of legacy IT systems in addition to expanding the new data system for all entities and functions.